Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Journal #2: Affinity Group and Digg RSS Stream

The affinity group I decided to join is called Classroom 2.0. This affinity group is geared toward people who are interested in integrating technology into the classroom. As a result, this is why I joined this affinity group, because I am completing this master’s program in order to make my classroom a more technological place. As I continue to read the posts on this affinity group, I hope to get many ideas and strategies that I can use to incorporate more appropriate technology into my first grade classroom.

When we first created the Digg RSS stream, I was unsure how appropriate it would be for me to use, since I have other social media accounts, such as Twitter. However, after using the blog stream, I am now able to see how useful this site is, especially for a busy teacher like myself. I am able to see what other first grade teachers are incorporating into their classrooms, such as lessons or activities. I am able to see all of these ideas in one place, rather than searching on many websites to find one good idea.

Question 1: Will I continue to use Digg RSS Stream for my professional and personal life?

Answer 1: I believe that I will continue to use this blog stream, since it is making my professional life much easier. As a result of seeing how it is making my professional life better, I will see if I can use it for my personal life.

Question 2: Will I join another affinity group?

Answer 2: I am unsure if I will join another affinity group at the moment. I will need to see how effective Classroom 2.0 is, in order to see if it is worth to join another one. If I were to join another affinity group, I believe that it would be one specifically for teachers in the primary grades.

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